Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why would I EVER do the pH Miracle diet!

Blogging about the pH miracle diet has many purposes. First of all my mother-in-law is a pioneer. She will tell her own story but I will just say that she has had to prove to me that this diet works and she has had to do it with a critical audience. I would like this blog to help me stick with this way of living and help all of you get a few recipes and realistic view of what it is like starting out on this diet.

Hi, I'm the mother-in-law. Thanks Jess for the kind intro. My story is that I have had a chronic cough for most of my life and no medical do
ctor could help with it. It has gotten progressively worse until I actually began to worry that I might choke to death sometime. Dramatic, I know, but the truth. One day my good friend, Lynn Moore (who is a cancer survivor of more than 20 years but has had many health issues since the chemo) showed up at a bridal shower looking years younger, lighter and happier. When I asked her what had happened she generously replied, "Wendy, you HAVE GOT TO TRY THE PH DIET, I know it would help your cough!" Long story shorter, I agreed to try it for 3 months and Lynn helped me get started. We'll show you how too, but first a few of the health benefits to those of us who've stayed on the diet:

+All of us lost at least 10 and up to 35 pounds as needed in the first 3-6 months
+Consequently our clothes fit better--or we got new sizes!
+All of us experienced a big drop in cholesterol
+Bill's sleep apnea disappeared
+Lynn recovered energy that got her up off her couch and back into life
+Lynn's osteopenia began to reverse (osteopenia is "pre" osteoporosis)
+Jess's kidney pain stopped as long as she stayed on t
he diet
+Everybody became "regular" bringing big smiles all around!
+My cough lessened dramatically--giving me hope for the first time in decades
+Little aches and pains lessened or disappeared
+We made lots of "alkalarian" friends and learned that this is a big trend
+We all feel that our children have become much more aware of healthy eating
+We all felt noble doing something so great for our health!

There is definitely a learning curve to this wa
y of eating because we've all become so accustomed to eating unhealty or "acidic" foods. The basis of the diet is that our blood need to keep certain ph balance to be healthy. When we eat acidic foods the acid weakens cells causing our health issues.

There are many versions of this diet but we are following THE pH MIRACLE by Robert O. Young, Ph.D., and Shelley Redford Young
Half of the book is recipes and it gives a walk through of how to start. Luckily you have us to support you and we promise to put more pictures of the food and way less talking. Feel free to ask questions and we will do our best to answer them.